Non invasive Paternity DNA Testing in Newcastle upon Tyne UK.

DNA Testing in Newcastle upon Tyne UK
The latest non invasive paternity DNA test Newcastle upon UK
There are quite a few methods for testing; for those who want a safe method of testing, and want immediate results, the option to do non invasive paternity DNA test Newcastle upon non invasive paternity DNA test Tyne UK, and find out the answers to your questions immediately, with 23 DNA, you are going to find these solutions. With some of the latest technologies, you are not only going to receive the answers you need, all results are going to be admissible in court ,if they are needed for custody hearings, support, or any other family or legal matters, the results from the testing at 23 DNA, are admissible.

With quick testing, immediate results, and the latest technologies in testing, you can now have non invasive paternity DNA test Newcastle upon non invasive paternity DNA test Tyne UK rendered, when you need quick results, and need the most accurate results as well.
23DNA™ is here to help you, don't hesitate to start your journey to the truth.

Ways to collect samples

  • Self-made cheek swab
  • FTA Classic Card
  • Whole Blood
  • Our Kit
  • Blood stains
  • Sperm (Semen)
  • Fingernail Clippings
  • Amniotic Fluid
  • Chorionic Villus Sampling
  • Fetal Tissue
  • Chewed Chewing Gum
  • Cigarette Butts
  • Hard Candy
  • Used Condom
  • Semen Stains
  • Used Tampons
  • Used Feminine Pads
  • Saliva
  • Plucked Hair
  • Q-tips with earwax
  • Snotty Kleenexes
  • Electric Razor Debris
  • Urine
  • Tooth brushes

Our DNA Testing Services

  • Paternity Testing
  • New! Non-Invasive Paternity
  • Paternity Test if Pregnant
  • Legal Paternity Testing
  • Grandparent Age Test
  • Native American DNA
  • immigration DNA Test
  • At Home DNA Test
  • Family Relationship
  • Siblings DNA test
  • Ancestry Testing
  • mtDNA Testing
  • Twin Zygosity
  • Cell Line Authentication
  • Maternity Test